Sunday, February 7, 2010

Do you ever find yourself feeling envious? Wishing you had something that someone else has? Forgetting to take stock of the things that you've accomplished or the good in your life? It's never good to feel envious. In fact, it's terrible. I don't know what it is about myself that will allow me to 'go there' in the first place ~ but I don't like it.

Now let's be real. A little envy can be good. In fact, it can be quite motivational. But only if you take it with a dose of real life perspective.

For example, if you've seen the television show "Extreme Home Makeover", I'm willing to bet that at one time or another you've thought "Damn! I wish someone would come and makeover my house like that"! Well, that's where the 'real life' perspective comes in. Sure, we'd all like a gorgeous, 'state of the art', stylish, roomy home that someone put together for us for free. And certainly we couldn't be envious of those families? Could we? I'd have to say it's a resounding, unequivocal NO! and the harsh reality is, those remodels are far from 'free'.

The families showcased in that television show have been dealt an extremely difficult hand in the card game of life. And yet, somehow, they've managed to find a road that helps make their journey here on earth a little more tolerable. A journey that inevitably leads them to volunteering their time to charities/ individuals that are struck with situations similar to their own. They often do not have enough money to pay their own bills or fix their leaky faucets and shattered windows, but yet they manage to find a way to fix those problems for others. They take time to make others feel important, cared for and loved. Its from those individuals that they, in turn, reap their greatest rewards. The 'knowing you made a positive difference in someones life' kind of empowerment that is often overlooked by each and every one of us in our busy, everyday lives.

Truly, its not all that uncommon to give of ourselves. Some of us find time to volunteer in local animal shelters, rescue our pets, adopt our children, volunteer in classrooms, run marathons to benefit charities or drop food off at the local shelter. Some of us make monetary donations to the charitable causes we believe in. Most often we support these organizations because they work to find an end to an illness or other life changing issue that has personally touched our lives in one way or another. Donating your time, money or voice for any charitable organization is vitally important. I am in no way advocating not to do these things and in fact, I encourage you to find a way to volunteer and support a cause that means something to you. However, there is something you can do each and every day that doesn't cost a dime, or take up any of your time. The more you give it away, the more it will come back to you.

I ask you to consider this: Have you ever had a bad day or felt a little down and then someone smiles at you, says 'hello' or makes some other small gesture that manages to turn your day around? Thereby restoring your faith in humanity and awakening you out of your 'poor me' stupor?
I can honestly say that I've had times where I've failed to remember how lucky I am. I can get caught up in the topsy turvy emotions of the frustration if my neck is aching and I can't escape the pain. Anxiety that life is short and I've not yet attained certain goals I've set for myself. Overwhelming fear of things I cannot control. Anger at the guy who cut me off in traffic. Then it hits me. My daughter gives me a hug or my husband makes me laugh and suddenly, things are back into perspective again. I remember how fortunate I am to have family that loves me, a roof over my head and enough money to put food on the table. I am alive and breathing and that's far better than the alternative.

A simple smile can brighten our day and help put things back into perspective when we need a little nudge. It doesn't have to be from someone we know. It can be from a complete stranger. And who knows...the smile you give a stranger may just be enough to put things back into perspective for them. Enough to stop them from going home and yelling at their kids out of frustration, putting that needle in their arm or worse yet, that gun to their head.

Which brings me to this. The people on 'Extreme Home Makeover' don't do what they do to gain a new home. They do what they do out of something pure and honest. Their purpose stems from a very simple, wonderful, human condition ~ Kindness.

Don't let envy get the best of you. Take stock of the good in your life. Be grateful for what you do have and appreciate the people in your life who help make the cloudiest of days sunny. Call upon your kindness. If you see someone who's missing a smile, give them one of yours. You never know how much good you can do just by stretching a few face muscles.


  1. I'm not sure how I happened upon your blog - I think a friend on Facebook maybe, but I love this post. I have learned to (mostly) pull myself out of the envy and "woe is me" when it stikes. Thanks for the reminder!


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