Sunday, January 17, 2010

My first time.

Now that you've stopped by because the title was intriguing and 'fresh'....let me say it has nothing to do with sex. Sorry. Maybe another post, another time.

Let me begin my first official blog by saying I think the word 'blog' is a very odd word. Just say it out loud " BLOG". Did you? Seriously, say it out loud! Did you laugh? OR think of something outrageous? Like a piece of wet wood, a swamp or a barf stain? Who came up with this word? Was there not a word in our English dictionary that would have sufficed? How about 'Notes', 'Thoughts', or 'Comments' ? Those just seem 'cleaner' to me.
And now that I find myself saying to my daughter "give me just a second, I'm blogging"....well it just feels weird. "I'M BLOGGING'.....

So, "What exactly is blogging"? my husband asks. Well, I'm putting thoughts into a computer (decades ago these thoughts would have gone onto paper via pen and ink in a process called 'writing') to be posted on a web page (via the internet for anyone, anywhere, to read at any time). And now it sinks in...Wow! Technology is truly amazing. I didn't even have to find a publisher! Or did I (Google) ?

Speaking of daughters have no idea what it was like to grow up in the ice age that their father and I did. They can't fathom that there were no remote controls for the television. They stare at me in disbelief when I tell them of the numerous times I stood with one hand holding aluminum foil onto the rabbit ear antennas atop our television set while holding my other arm high into the air so that my father could enjoy a football game. Yes. It's true. I was a human lighting rod.
They also can't seem to understand why their friends may not respond to a text message the moment its sent. Holy Hair Rollers! I remember the days before Answering Machines! If we weren't home when the telephone rang, there was no talking to the caller. No message left for me to respond to the caller when it was convenient. Kids these days have absolutely no idea how good they've got it!
How many of us remember not wanting to leave the house because we could not imagine missing a telephone call from that special someone we'd been crushing on? I, personally, logged numerous hours next to a telephone that did not ring. Assuming there may have been something wrong with the line, I would pick it up and listen for dial tone ~ only to immediately admonish myself for doing so, because, undoubtedly, the call from that special someone was trying to come through at the precise moment I had checked the line. Ah! The good ole days.
Despair, excitement and hope...all at one moment. I wonder if our kids are getting ripped off on the emotional highway of life because everything is so 'right now'. I suppose somewhere in my duties of a responsible mother I will have to find ways of making my children wait for things.
Waiting to reap the ultimate reward of whatever pleases you for the time being....sounds like a challenge.

Until next time...

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